Emergency Lighting Solutions

Emmergency Lighting

Have you ever been in a public building whether it is a shopping centre, cinema or stadium and thought what if there was a power cut? Or even worse, a fire? How would I ever find my way out?

Luckily it rarely happens, but if it does, you will be glad of IS3217:2013. This is an Emergency Lighting Standard issued by the NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland). This standard will ensure that an emergency lighting system will kick in when the standard  power supply fails. The overall objective of emergency escape lighting is to enable safe exit from a location in the event of failure of the normal supply power supply to the ordinary lighting fittings

Emergency lighting is part of the safety provision of a building and the person in control of a non-residential premises is responsible for the safety of everyone in the building whether working, visiting or living there. However for many architects and consultants there is a conflict between abiding by the safety standards yet also implementing an emergency lighting system that does not detract from the aesthetic appeal of the building.

OSS are now introducing a number of new LED products in 2019 for various applications. In addition to this, there are also now providing competitive LED Twinspot solutions for industrial and architectural applications.

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